All escorts have the right to refuse sexual services. No escort can be forced into doing anything that she is not comfortable with. Before a booking, clients will be informed as to the services that each escort provides. This avoids situations where escorts are not providing the desired services.
Customers must be respectful of our girls. Customers who are polite and well mannered always receive better service. Escorts who are treated poorly reserve the right to leave the company of the customer.
All escorts are required to practice safe sex; this is for both escort and customers safety. If escorts are placed in environments where their safety is compromised, it is our policy to terminate the booking. Escorts reserved the right to refuse sexual service when the client has any condition that could jeopardize her safety.
Payment must always be made before any sexual acts; this will either be done directly to the agency or the escort. There will be no refunds once payment is made unless the escort refuses service for any reason. Customers should always discuss prices and services before payment to avoid any complications. Customers who pay for services and change their minds about the service during a booking do so at their own expense.
All price negotiations must be made before the booking. Additional services requested by the client during a reservation can be negotiated with the agencies, for example, cheaper hourly rates for extended hours.
All customers have the right to refuse an escort within the first 2 minutes of a meeting. During this period, no money must be exchanged, and no sexual services performed. Once a customer has accepted the escort, via payment, the option to refuse the escort is withdrawn.